Message from the Project-in-charge -
Professor Chu, Chun Hung
Hong Kong owns a high prevalence of tooth decay among the pre-school children, although she is an international city for decades. Our team often receives severe cases that 3-4-year-old children have serious tooth decay and even pulpal infection. These oral illnesses cause a long-term impact on the growth and development of children.
We want to deliver a message to the public that tooth decay is preventable. Besides, family care and education in school also played an essential role in the oral health of children.
With the generous support from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, we are able to launch the “Jockey Club Children Oral Health Project” and promote the message to the community. We invited selected schools to participate in our pioneer scheme of the project in academic year 2019/2020. We enhanced the arrangements of the project after received valuable feedback from the partnering schools of the pioneer scheme. Starting from the academic year 2020/21, the project will cover all the kindergartens in Hong Kong for delivering services and education to the children, parents and schools. The project aims to improve the oral health of the children in Hong Kong and strengthen the awareness of oral health education at home and in school. In the long run, we also would like to raise the public perception of oral health of our children and make it as one of the major medical concerns in the future.
I want to give my heartfelt thanks to our team and partnering schools for their keen support throughout the project. Last but not least, I sincerely invite all the dentists and kindergartens to join our project. Let us safeguard our children by oral care!